Mandatory 5 Year Testing for Elevating Devices in Ontario

Mandatory 5 Year Elevator Testing

Recently the TSSA (Technical Standards and Safety Authority) has begun cracking down on elevators that are overdue on their mandated 5 year elevator safety testing. This required testing procedure is considered highly strenuous to the equipment and in some cases can result in damages. The purpose for this test is to ensure public safety in cases of extreme systematic failure. While unlikely in today's high tech redundant safety features accidents can still happen. Thus a great deal of importance is put on the public safety.


How much does 5 year elevator testing cost?

In and around the GTA various companies can charge anywhere between $ 3,000.00 - $ 5,000.00 per elevator. This cost will need to be budget for owners and property managers. As Element Elevators is dedicated to providing the best service at the best price our 5 year testing price will less than $ 2,500.00 


What happens if I choose not to do this test?

If you choose to skip this test you will risk the TSSA shutting down your elevators until such time as these tests have been completed by a qualified elevator contractor.