Recently The Canadian Press author Colin Perkel wrote a interesting article linked below, where he openly speaks out regarding the troubled elevator industry in Toronto and the GTA. He makes note of how the market is currently dominated by the four major multi-national corporations and how they are attempting to monopolize the market, drive prices down with a major decline in quality and attention to owners equipment.
“I don’t think we’re heading toward a crisis, I believe we’re already there””
Currently Toronto and the GTA has seen a steep increase in emergency calls from trapped passengers in elevators asking for rescue. Ontario firefighters responded to 4,461 calls regarding elevator extrication alone.
The real culprit however is the aging equipment and structural issues. We at Element Elevators Inc. are here to provide the best quality service and modernizations are very transparent prices.
Please consider reading more regarding this article at the link below.
CTV News - Canada plunging toward elevator crisis? Expert warns: 'We're already there'
Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press